TimeLine Layout

April, 2024

March, 2024

February, 2024

  • 22 February

    Release .Net9 november ?

    Microsoft said it would focus on cloud-native and intelligent app development in .NET 9. The next iteration of the open-source framework is expected to be released in November at the .NET Conf 2024. More: Microsoft plans to focus on cloud-native fundamentals, such as runtime performance and application monitoring, and provide streamlined pathways to widely used production infrastructure through .NET Aspire, which …

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  • 13 February

    Microsoft Migrates a Real-Time Service to .NET Core for Performance Gains

    Microsoft migrated the real-time co-authoring service in the Microsoft Office suite of applications from .NET Framework 4.7.2 to .NET 7 last year. They achieved 30% CPU reduction, 60% memory reduction, and 50% API latency reduction compared to the original service. The service, known as Real-Time Channel (RTC) in Office, powers the simultaneous editing and collaboration inside Office documents, whether in desktop or web …

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  • 13 February

    James Montmagno bevestigt FUTURETECH 2024

    James Montmagno van Microsoft bevestigt zijn komst naar de FutureTech 2024.  En daar zijn wij als SDN best trots op. James zal een Keynote geven tijdens de FutureTech Conferentie van 17 April as in de Jaarbeurs te Utrecht. Title: The AI, Cloud-Native, Run Anywhere Future of .NET .NET is vast, open, constantly growing, and has an ever-evolving ecosystem that millions …

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January, 2024

  • 2 January

    Microsoft meldt de toevoeging van de zogenaamde Memory layout view

    Microsoft meldt de toevoeging van de zogenaamde Memory layout view welke the layout van C++ beter lan visualiseren en structureren in Visual Studio 2022 versie 17.9 Preview 1. In de vorige versie (17.8alligment of classes, , structuren, ujnions, bases types en Enums. The visualization tools provide C++ developers with valuable insights into the memory occupancy of data structures and their …

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December, 2023